Thong T. Nguyen

PhD student at National University of Singapore

I am a PhD student advised by Professor See-Kiong Ng and Professor Anh-Tuan Luu at National University of Singapore, where I was fortunate enough to be funded by a Google PhD Fellowship and AI Singapore PhD Fellowship. Currently, my research interests are in Natural Language Processing, particularly Video-Language Model (VidLM) and Paramter-Efficient Transfer Learning for VidLM.

Contact: e0998147 [at]

Photo credit: abbymythwb_sunny


Dec 9, 2023 One paper accepted to AAAI 2024.
Oct 6, 2023 One paper accepted to EMNLP 2023 (Findings).
May 2, 2023 One paper accepted to ACL 2023 (Findings).
Oct 6, 2022 One paper accepted to EMNLP 2022.

Selected publications

  1. AAAI
    READ-PVLA: Recurrent Adapter with Partial Video-Language Alignment for Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning in Low-Resource Video-Language Modeling
    Thong Nguyen, Xiaobao Wu, Xinshuai Dong, Khoi Le, Zhiyuan Hu, Cong-Duy Nguyen, See-Kiong Ng, Tuan Luu
    Proceedings of AAAI 2024
  2. EMNLP
    DemaFormer: Damped Exponential Moving Average Transformer with Energy-Based Modeling for Temporal Language Grounding
    Thong Nguyen, Xiaobao Wu, Xinshuai Dong, Cong-Duy Nguyen, See-Kiong Ng, Tuan Luu
    Proceedings of EMNLP (Findings) 2023
  3. ACL
    Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree for Listwise Context Model in Multimodal Review Helpfulness Prediction
    Thong Nguyen, Xiaobao Wu, Xinshuai Dong, Tuan Luu, Cong-Duy Nguyen, Zhen Hai, Lidong Bing
    Proceedings of ACL (Findings) 2023
  4. EMNLP
    Adaptive Contrastive Learning on Multimodal Transformer for Review Helpfulness Predictions
    Thong Nguyen, Xiaobao Wu, Tuan Luu, Cong-Duy Nguyen, Zhen Hai, Lidong Bing
    Proceedings of EMNLP 2022
  5. AAAI
    Improving Neural Cross-Lingual Abstractive Summarization via Employing Optimal Transport Distance for Knowledge Distillation
    Thong Nguyen, Tuan Luu
    Proceedings of AAAI 2022
  6. NeurIPS
    Contrastive Learning for Neural Topic Model
    Thong Nguyen, Tuan Luu
    Proceedings of NeurIPS 2021
  7. EMNLP
    Enriching and Controlling Global Semantics for Text Summarization
    Thong Nguyen, Tuan Luu, Truc Lu, Tho Quan
    Proceedings of EMNLP 2021
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